Interactive Online Training Course

Manchester Specialty Certificate Examination in Endocrinology and Diabetes

Thursday, 18th April 2024
(Day 1)
17:45-18:00 Welcome and introduction Prof Handrean Soran
18:00-18:35 What is new in Endocrinology?
Answered in 12 interactive questions.
Dr Safwaan Adam
18:35-18:45 Q&A Dr Safwaan Adam
18:45-19:00 Sponsor session - Cardiorenal disease in T2D: a paradigm shift in management. This is a promotional video created and funded by AstraZeneca, intended for UK HCPs only.
19:00-19:35 What is new in diabetes?
Answered in 12 interactive questions.
Dr Naveed Younis
19:35-19:45 Q&A Dr Naveed Younis
19:45-20:00 Sponsor session - AMGEN
20:00-20:35 Hyperlipidaemias: What is new?
Answered in 12 interactive questions.
Prof Handrean Soran
20:35-20:45 Q&A Prof Handrean Soran
20:45 End of day 1
Sponsors We have received funding by means of sponsorship to support the delivery of our national conference from multiple sponsors: AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo and Novo Nordisk.
The sponsors the have had no input or influence into the agenda, content, or selection of speakers of this meeting.
This meeting is for health care professionals and it is not open for members of the public.

Friday, 19th April 2024
(Day 2)
08:30-09:00 Welcome and introduction Prof Handrean Soran
09:00-10:15 Lessons from previous exams Prof Handrean Soran
10:15-10:30 Sponsor session
Daiichi Sankyo
5 minutes comfort break
10:35-11:35 Mock exam 1 Prof Handrean Soran
11:35-11:55 Coffee
11:55-13:10 Lipid and lipoprotein disorders, cardiovascular risk and lipodystrophies. Prof Handrean Soran
13:10-13:50 Lunch
13:50-14:50 Parathyroid, Vitamin D, bone disorders, calcium and electrolytes, HRT, MEN, image-based questions. Prof Handrean Soran
5 minute comfort break
14:55-15:55 Lessons and examples from previous exams and image-based questions. Dr Shaishav Dhage
5 minute comfort break
16:00-17:15 Andrology, Gonads, related conditions and rare genetic diseases, CAH, PCOs. Dr Jan Ho
17:15 Mock exam 2 Prof Handrean Soran
18:15 Mock exam 3 Prof Handrean Soran
Sponsors End of day 2
We have received funding by means of sponsorship to support the delivery of our national conference from multiple sponsors: AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo and Novo Nordisk.
The sponsors the have had no input or influence into the agenda, content, or selection of speakers of this meeting.
This meeting is for health care professionals and it is not open for members of the public.

Saturday, 20th April 2024
(Day 3)
08:50 Welcome
08:45-09:45 Type 1 diabetes, managing hypoglycaemia, insulin pump/indications, interpreting continuous glucose monitoring data, relevant NICE guidelines and TAs Dr Jonathan Schofield
09:45-10:00 Sponsor session
10:00-11:00 Prolactinoma, prolactin, growth hormone disorders.
Transitional endocrinology, delayed and precocious puberty
Dr Alex Lewis
11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-12:40 Pituitary, Cushing’s syndrome, endocrinology dynamic tests, image based questions Dr Safwaan Adam
12:40-12:45 5 minutes comfort break
12:45-13:45 Diabetes emergencies, diabetes kidney disease,
diabetes neuropathy, in-patient diabetes, National diabetes Guidelines and TAs.
Dr Shazli Azmi
13:45-14:10 Lunch
14:10-14:25 Sponsors session
Novo Nordisk
14:25-15:20 Insulin therapy, Carbohydrate Counting, diabetes retinopathy (including images), Diabetes and driving
(DVLA), relevant NICE guidelines and TAs.
Dr Naveed Younis
15:25-16:25 Thyroid disorders and thyroid cancer
Managing thyroid disorders in pregnancy
Dr Salman Razvi
16:25-16:40 Coffee
16:40-17:40 Obesity, disorders of appetite & weight, bariatric surgery, related guidelines and related TAs/NICE guidelines. Prof Akheel Syed
17:40 Managing diabetes and endocrinology disorders in pregnancy. Dr Clare Mumby
Sponsors We have received funding by means of sponsorship to support the delivery of our national conference from multiple sponsors: AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo and Novo Nordisk.
The sponsors the have had no input or influence into the agenda, content, or selection of speakers of this meeting.
This meeting is for health care professionals and it is not open for members of the public.


AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo and Novo Nordisk contributed towards the speaker & chairperson costs of this meeting. The sponsors have received a slot on the agenda in return for their sponsorship as indicated here. The sponsors had no influence over the remaining agenda items or meeting arrangements.
